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Knowledgebase : Cinegy Archive
CrossDomainError means that Cinegy Archive Server (CAS) is not reachable/available. Please check if CAS service URL is set correctly in the Workspace settings. Also please note: if you use IP address in URL for Workspace launch (in the Internet Browser)...
The Cinegy Archive search functionality uses Microsoft SQL Server search engine for the search query processing. To prevent a full-text index from becoming bloated, Microsoft SQL Server has a mechanism that discards commonly occurring words that do not he...
In order to add new storage that should be used only when specified explicitly in watch folder settings the following steps should be performed: - register network shares that refer to the new storage in Cinegy Archive; - create a new Media Group that...
The Cinegy Archive master clip itself does not allow the replacement or addition of media tracks. Although it is possible to generate a new copy of the media with the required tracks layout. The recommended way of new master clip versions generation is ...
The maximum number of simultaneous connections to the database, allowed by your license, is reached at the moment.
Install Cinegy File Service (provided in the Cinegy Archive installation package) on any machine in the network; configure it to monitor the predefined database media shares. If there is low space detected in the share, it will be automatically deactivate...
Cinegy Desktop version is not compatible with the Cinegy Archive database version. To solve the problem, the database update is required with Cinegy Database Wizard.
Cinegy products (Desktop, Archive Manager) do not allow you to delete files accidentally. The operator in Cinegy Desktop can delete Rolls/Clips/etc., but it will only mark corresponding objects as deleted. Neither object itself nor media files are delet...
The valid license is not found. Please check if the valid license dongle is connected to the database server.
Yes, Cinegy Convert can run in standalone mode transcoding files according to the configured profiles. Watch folders for network shares are also supported for automatic operations. Cinegy Archive integration is a separately licensable option that is req...
The roll is being used at the moment due to several reasons: 1) recording to this roll is in progress; 2) another user is working with this roll or it's descendants. To check who locks the node go to Cinegy Archive Manager => Nodes Explorer; 3) some...
If you try to run the Workspace on a client that belongs to a different domain, there will be an alert 'CrossDomainError'. The 'CrossDomain' error message usually means that Workspace is unable to access CAS. It probably attempts to reach CAS by the inter...
To delete a user profile, please follow the steps below: * Close Cinegy Desktop. * Launch Cinegy Archive Manager and go to "Permissions and Security" tab -> "User activity and objects" * Choose the "User profiles" tab. * Find the user profile by...
Cinegy Air can import information from Cinegy Archive when items are manually put into the playlist via drag and drop operation. In case description column stays empty after Cinegy Archive item is inserted the "Clip Description" field metadata should be c...
File types and media groups are managed on the media storage panel launched via the "Media groups, file types" command from the "Media storage" submenu of the database context menu. During the lifecycle of the production, there are several common tasks ...
Cinegy Archive database doesn't require any special procedures for maintaining, just use the basic regular recommendation as for all Microsoft SQL databases, according to their documentation. Refer to the Microdoft support site for more details about cl...
Go to the SQL server machine and do the following: * Check if the TCP/IP protocol is enabled: * go to the SQL Server Configuration Manager tool; * on the left panel find "Client Protocols" and select it; * on the right panel make TCP/IP enabled...
In order to check the database version and build number go to CAM (Cinegy Archive Manager) : * Go to Global Parameters and Settings. * In the Global Parameters tab find the fields "CURRENT BUILD" and "CURRENT VERSION". Here the current Cinegy Arch...
By default, the Network Share path in the Media Files section of Cinegy Archive Manager is a read-only field. The exact path may be specified using the Tools->Settings-Application settings->Common->ENABLE TO ENTER PATH MANUALLY - enables/disables entering...
Assigning database roles to user groups of the Windows Active Directory Domain is managed using SQL SERVER MANAGEMENT STUDIO functionality. To assign a specific Role to a selected User Group do the following: 1) Go to MS SQL Server Management Studio. ...
Cinegy Archive provides users with a flexible metadata model that can be changed/extended at any time during production. Descriptors and presets are managed on the corresponding panel launched via the "Descriptors, presets" command from the "Metadata fi...
In order to upgrade extended procedures you will have to stop SQL server. The steps are the following: * Start Cinegy Database Wizard. * Open the page "You can upgrade extended procedures". * Stop the MS SQL Server service. * Press the "Updat...
The Cinegy Archive database content is laid out as an explorer tree structure in the "Nodes" dialog. The "Nodes Explorer" window allows to perform nodes management, including configuration of the access type to separate nodes. The options are divided into...
The following workflow describes how to move the Cinegy Archive database to the new MS SQL Server using the SQL Server Management Studio: * Make a backup of your database on the old server. Save the backup file. * Copy the backup file to the destina...
If some nodes are not available for deleting, it means that some already deleted nodes refer to the same media files as the existing nodes. For example, if you created several subclips in a Roll and then deleted a part of them - the other part would still...
Please note that in order to have a possibility to perform the consistency checking operations the file share that you want to monitor should be available for the next users: * for the user who starts Cinegy Archive Manager and performs the consistenc...
Do the next: on the server open the Services panel (Control panel -> Administrative tools -> Services), locate the Computer Browser service (this is the system service, and it may be disabled by default), make it enabled and start. Then restart Cinegy Arc...
Running Cinegy Archive in the cloud has two general configurations. THE FIRST ONE is to merely move to an SQL server running on an instance in AZURE or AWS for example. This would mean creating a virtual machine on the cloud platform, installing Window...
Unfortunately, there is no built-in prevention of duplicates while importing media into Cinegy Archive. However, it is possible to create a PowerShell script that will search the database for the existing media with the same Traffic ID and delete it if re...
Database Backup is a routine operation performed using SQL Server. The best practice is to make backups periodically. The Cinegy Support team needs a backup to reproduce the problem on our side and, if necessary, to consult a development team to diagnos...
The current Cinegy Archive functionality does not support such workflow. However, you can use the Cinegy File Service [] which has the functionality of lo...