Knowledgebase: Cinegy Traffic Gateway
How does the automatic media assets population work?
Posted by Oleh Muliarchuk on 18 April 2018 12:59

In order to achieve automatic media assets population, you’ll need to use Cinegy Traffic Gateway and Cinegy Convert (either Legacy or PRO).
All the media files that are going to be played out should have a unique name (Traffic ID). While composing the CSV file a Traffic ID should be defined for each of the playlist items.

While processing the CSV file Traffic Gateway is scanning the MAM Database and/or your media storage for the media files corresponding to each of the playlist items by Traffic ID. There are two file match providers available in Traffic Gateway: CAS (responsible for scanning the MAM DB) and PowerShell (uses a *.ps1 script for scanning the media storages and triggering the imports of missing media into archive).

In case the media file is available in MAM Database or your media storage, a media URL is going to be assigned to the playlist item. If the media file is unavailable in MAM database, a placeholder is going to be created with the corresponding Traffic ID by CAS and the reference to this placeholder is going to be assigned to an item in the resulting playlist. At the same time, PowerShell will try to search the media piece (missing in Archive) in the media folder (specified in TG settings). If PowerShell locates the desired media piece in a media folder, it will create a CineLink link file in Convert Watch folder (the path should be specified in the *.ps1 script). In case PowerShell is unable to locate the media file with the specified Traffic ID in your media folder, Cinelink file will not be created. Resulting MCRlist will contain a dummy item with the corresponding Traffic ID.

CineLink file contains the information about the path to a media file and a GUID of a target placeholder (created by CAS) so that Convert could fulfill the proper placeholder with a proper media. Afterward, Convert Watch folder service surveys the watch folder and picks up the Cinelink file in order to create an import task and pass it to Convert for further processing. As a result, the placeholder is filled with media.

When the MCRlist created by TG is inserted into Cinegy Air, the control application calls CinegyAirPlaceholder.dll which is going to scan Cinegy archive for the placeholders that have been already filled with media. As a result of this scan, in case the placeholders have been filled, each of the playlist items referred to a placeholder is going to be updated with the URL to a media file on your MAM media storage automatically. If the media file for a playlist item has not been imported to the Archive yet, the item is going to remain a dummy until the corresponding placeholder is filled.

The MissingMediaData.txt report file with missing media ID's is located in C:\Watch_folder by default and this path may be changed by a user in .ps script.

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