Knowledgebase: Cinegy Traffic Gateway
How to enable the PowerShell script execution for the proper Cinegy Traffic Gateway work?
Posted by Olga Upir on 26 December 2015 13:22

For proper Cinegy Traffic Gateway work make sure you have configured the following:

  1. Cinegy Traffic Gateway requires PowerShell 3.0 or later to be installed. To check the PowerShell version, use Get-Host or $PSVersionTable commands (

  2. If an earlier version of Powershell is installed, please update ( A new (since 2021) Powershell blog is here - .

  3. When ready check the PowerShell script execution policies ( Use the following command to check the policy statuses:

      Get-ExecutionPolicy -List

And the following commands to allow the script execution:

      Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser

      Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope LocalMachine

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